Achieve your goals

Stop being the best kept secret
in your industry

Catapult your business into a high-valued personal brand.
Strategic, no-nonsense business & personal branding journey with ianka fleerackers.
For an efficient, simple, and profitable business that builds an intellectual
and financial legacy and gives your personal life full scope.

You want to 


Transform Your Vision into Reality

Do you want people to perceive you differently but need to know where to start?
You possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise, and you are eager to share that with the world compellingly.
You've written a book, but it has yet to achieve what you expected.
You're a multi-talented individual with a diverse focus and want to harness that without getting lost in chaos.
But how?

You have a vision you want to share, but how do you link that to generating revenue?
You have a stable income stream, but you know there's potential for more.
Your annual revenue exceeds €100,000, but you find yourself constantly working in your business with no time for yourself.
How can you grow from here?

You are constantly working on customized solutions, and you're ready for a change. You crave variety in your offerings but struggle to harmonize them.
You thought everything was figured out until the economic downturn revealed that your business model could be more crisis-proof.

You believe in your capabilities, and now it's time to move forward.

Embrace Your Potential

You want to be challenged, grow, and make your potential visible.
You want to live according to your values and shape your business to fit seamlessly with your lifestyle.
You aim to make a difference by sharing a story only you can tell.

Embrace your potential by positioning yourself as a premium personal brand

Become the Most Interesting Person in the Room

Become the most interesting person in the room without sacrificing your time or life.
Move to the next level with high-value personal branding and thought leader business strategies.
Work with premium clients at premium prices who desire your thought leadership and are happy to pay more for your expertise.

I invite you to think differently, act differently, take leadership, and create a domino effect in your life and business.

You want to become
a highly-valued personal brand

Personal branding can generate more sales, becoming a highly-valued personal brand is more than that.

You develop a strong unique point of view

A lot of people have the same skils as you. The big differentiator is you and your point of view. 

You dare and love to communicate  your ideas

You want to create content about your knowledge, your industry, your activities. You write, speak, go in debate. What you want is not just more sales. 

Alignment is your middle name

No fake it till you make it. You want to be congruent in every aspect of your life. That is what will build credibility, trust and authority. This is where most people fail. 

You choose to become a category of one

You are not here to agree with a status quo. You define your own terms. 

That's why I create this

I created 2 exclusive programs in which you receive personal high-performance mentorship and become part of a small group of exceptionally driven entrepreneurs.

The Brand Builders program aims to help you become the go-to leader in your field, develop a thought leader mindset. You'll deepen your thinking by developing thought leadership IP, building and strengthening your brand, and better positioning yourself.

In Legacy Builders, you will also develop offerings that can be sold at higher prices, ensuring you don't sacrifice all your time and that your business remains crisis-proof. We'll work together to streamline and simplify your business processes, instill high-performance habits to safeguard your health, and help you manage your time more effectively.
Additionally, you'll learn how to monetize your intellectual property into additional, legally and fiscally optimized passive income streams.

I want you to Own your story
Do work you love, with people you like, the way you want.
Get paid more for who you are
and what you know.

Hi, I'm ianka,

I don't believe in 'yes, but that's how it works in this industry.'

You believe this is the way it is because you have always experienced it that way and then assume it as unchanging, which keeps it the way it is.

That's a fat confirmation bias.

Does this mean you should think differently?


Just think differently?

No, also do.

Write your awesome label here.

Perfect for solopreneurs 

I focus on solopreneurs who are
Write your awesome label here.

Knowledge experts

Those who want to transition from knowing a lot to being known for their extensive knowledge. We aim to evolve and create a business with ease from this transformation.

Senior Executives

Company leaders who are ready to make a shift and go solo, combining their expertise with business acumen.


Thinkers with diverse talents who want to leverage their broad expertise.

Speakers & authors

Those seeking a revenue model and an accountability and sparring partner who understands the lifestyle and can drill down into the details.
Many talented professionals want to make a bigger impact and get their work & their ideas better known. That was certainly how I felt when I left my career in arts & media to launch my consulting & coaching practice in 2014. 

In the intervening years,  I've trained experts and leaders, shared stages with international thought leaders, interviewed hundreds of authors.

In November 2023, I published my ninth but first business book on personality branding and thought leadership. But when I started, I only knew how to become a successful, recognised and trusted artist and mediaprofessional. That's why I researched the process of how leading experts, and thought leaders built their personal brands and their platforms. 

I invested more than 100K in coaching, training and masterminds, in order to do it for myself - and eventually, so that I could help others do the same. 

Now, I've distilled what I've learned about growing your platform, your business, and your impact into my programs. My programs are intended for professionals who believe it would benefit their business or their career to be more widely recognised for their skills and expertise.

Because being great at what you do is very different than being recognized for who you are and what you do.

My goal is to help talented professionals get their voices heard, so that the best ideas - not just the loudest voices - are the ones that win.I'm excited to help you share your best ideas with the world. 

Apply today

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My high-end programs are only accessible by application.
It is important to find out if and which Builders program is a fit for you.
That's why I invite you to apply via the button.
You will receive a short mail sequence with more information and the application form. 
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