
The Road To A
Highly Valued Personal Brand

Is becoming a personal brand your ambitious goal?

Do you want your personal brand to help grow your business?
Find out in this free masterclass what it takes to become a Trusted Expert and discover how ianka can help you get that status. 

Write your awesome label here.

          Find out about 

  • What is a Trusted Expert
  • Find out about the personal branding process and its different statusses
  • How to get a thought leader mindset
  • The importance of personality
  • How to know you are ready
  • What you need to build a strong personal brand

Hi, I'm ianka

Founder of the Thought Leaders AcademyAnd also a high performer, multi-disciplinary and visionary artist & entrepreneur, a.k.a. renaissance woman.

In addition to a successful career as an actress in television, movies, and theater, I created a business as an author, publisher, director and, producer, public speaking expert. 

Today it's my mission to help thought leaders create legacy.  I help experts and service based solopreneurs own their story, business and life. Building one-person businesses with personal branding , high ticket offers and diversified portfolios.

I’m the woman they come to when they feel the lack of authenticity in their storytelling, vision, and lifestyle. No fancy complex sales funnels and pushy marketing in this household.I help you get clarity on the strategy, build skills, systemize your workflow, marketing, and contentso you can work less, charge more, and sell your products & services with less manual effort.

As an artist and media professional turned solopreneur turned creator,I’ve developed effective systems with time, skin in the game, and experience in arts, media and business. - ianka fleerackers
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